#(yes. it will be the first time writing somewhat good since my severe pneumonia case)
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sovamurka · 2 months ago
ship so good it forced me to write fanfiction again -> *writes timebomb's in-between story that was cut and several au one-shots*
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uriagii · 4 years ago
Thomastair Youtube AU
Hello! So I started writing a thomastair youtube au, and i need to put it out into the world, so here you go. I intend to write more. 
part 2, part 3
1.4k word count, fluffy boyfriend things, some language 1: Get to Know Us!
Two men, one tall and pale, one short and tanned, sat side by side in front of a brown couch in a cozy looking living room
“Hey guys! I’m Thomas,” said the taller.
“And I’m Alastair,” 
“And today we’re going to be doing a little Q&A!” Thomas said excitedly
The shorter of the two--Alastair--hugged a pillow to his chest, while Thomas examined the screen of his phone.
“Okay, let’s get started. Question number one,” Thomas said, “When and where did you first meet?”
Alastair adjusted his seating a bit as he started speaking, “Ah, we actually met in secondary school. Thomas and I are the same age, but Thomas was held back one year because he had a bad case of pneumonia and missed a bunch of school.” 
“Yes, but actually my friends and Alastair didn’t get along very well--” 
“Not even a little bit.” Alastair interrupted quietly.
“--And because of that the two of us didn’t really properly get to know each other until several years later.”
“Next question.” Alastair took the phone from Thomas’s hand and read, “When was your first date?”
Both men paused, looked at each other and furrowed their brows in confusion. 
They looked back to the camera and said in unison, “It depends.” 
“Officially, it was about a year ago,” Thomas began, “But we sort of had an accidental weekend date in Paris about two years ago.”
“Yes, we were both in Paris alone, and we ran into each other outside of the Louvre, and we just kind of spent the next few days together exploring Paris.” Alastair finished. “You read the next one, Tom.”
“Okay,” Thomas read. “How long have we been together?”
“About a year, since our first official date.” Alastair responded. Thomas nodded along in silent agreement.
“That was easy,” Alastair muttered while he grabbed the phone. “Moving on, what is your favorite feature of your significant other?”
“Everything.” Thomas said immediately.
“No, babe, you gotta pick something,” Alastair chuckled.
“Just one? How am I supposed to do that? You’re immaculate.” Thomas whined
Alastair just laughed and looked at Thomas expectantly.
“Hmm, fine. Probably…” Thomas looked up in thought, before finally answering, “Your elegance. You’re built so delicately, yet so powerfully.” 
Alastair smiled. “Oka--”
“And your hair.”
“And your eyes.”
“Okay!” Alastair smiled and rolled his eyes affectionately. “Next one,”
“Wait, you’re not going to answer?” Thomas turned his body toward Alastair in protest.
“Nope.” Alastair looked at him smugly.
“You have to! That’s the law according to the rules.”
“Fine. Your ass.” Alastair deadpanned.
Thomas’s jaw dropped, and he spluttered while Alastair laughed. “You-- but-- I-- pick something else!”
Alastair only laughed harder.
“Alastair! Pick something else!” Thomas whined.
“Alright alright,” Alastair’s chuckles died out and he wiped a tear from the corner of his eye. “I like your shoulders. They’re fucking huge.”
“Oh my God,” Thomas muttered as he took the phone from Alastair to read the next question. “What is your biggest pet peeve?” Thomas asked quickly, then said “Oh here we go.”
“Let me tell you,” Alastair emphasized his words by putting both his hands down onto the coffee table in front of them, then began listing; “When people don’t know the words to a song but they still try to sing along,” He counted off one of his fingers. “Stupid people.” Another finger. “Homophobes. When someone is erasing something and they miss a spot, slow walkers who take up the entire sidewalk, people who sneeze into their hands, people who clap when a plane lands or at the end of a movie, people who use the word ‘literally’ when they’re not being literal--”
“Okay, wow. That’s a lot of things.” Thomas’s eyes were wide.
“People do lots of stupid things.” Alastair said matter-of-factly.
“Okay, well my biggest one is probably people who say ‘no offense, but’ right before they say something they know is offensive, as if it will make it less offensive.”
“Ooh, good one,” Alastair puts his finger to his mouth in a thinking gesture.
“I think we should move on before you get going again, love” Thomas suggested, holding the phone out. “How about you read the next question?”
Alastair sighed, but took the phone from Thomas’s waiting hand. He read the question and smiled wickedly before saying, “Who said ‘I love you’ first?
Thomas took the pillow Alastair had been holding, set it down on his lap, and put his face in it.
“Tell the story, babe.” Alastair teased, nudging Thomas. Thomas’s answering groan was muffled by the pillow.
“Come on, it’s a cute story Tom.” Alastair encouraged while snickering.
“No, it’s embarrassing.” When Thomas picked his head up, his face was bright red.
“It’s endearing, tell the story.” Alastair insisted.
Thomas closed his eyes, “Oh, God. Okay.” He began, “So we were on a date at this amusement park, and all day I was trying to figure out how I was gonna tell Alastair that I loved him, and I was understandably nervous, so I was kind of a wreck all day.” Alastair smiled at Thomas affectionately as he spoke, as if he were reminiscing on the moment. Thomas studiously avoided eye contact with both Alastair and the camera. “It was getting close to closing time, and I still hadn’t said it, so I started panicking, and decided it was now or never.” Thomas sighed before continuing.
  “Well, we were walking past this dunk tank right near the exit, so I stopped, I turned to Alastair and I said ‘Hey, I love you’ and immediately some little twelve-year-old wanker ran by me, knocked me off balance, and pushed me into the dunk tank!” He exclaimed. “I mean, why do they even make dunk tanks that low to the ground?!” 
 Thomas had been getting gradually more worked up as he told the story, and was practically seething at the thought of this child ruining his moment. Alastair however, was cracking up. 
“I’m glad my public humiliation is so entertaining to you.” Thomas said, unamused as Alastair wiped a tear from his cheek. 
“It was perfect,” Alastair said seriously, before grinning. “Very on-brand.”
“Oh, bugger off.” Thomas gently shoved Alastair’s shoulder, but smiled despite his embarrassment. 
“And of course after helping him out and drying him off while he stewed in his awkwardness, I told him I loved him too. And he smiled the biggest smile. So it really was perfect.” Alastair told the camera.
Thomas’s face was still visibly red, but he rolled his eyes and smiled as he took the phone to read the next question.
“What’s your dream vacation destination?” Thomas read.
“Ooh, we have lots of these.” Alastair said excitedly, bouncing a little in place on the floor. “Namely, we both want to visit Greece. Athens, Crete, Mykonos, all the places.”
Thomas had somewhat recovered from his embarrassment, and nodded his agreement. “It’s a lovely country from the pictures, and we think it would be a fascinating place to explore.”
“Plus the food.” Alastair added. 
“Yes, can't forget that.” Thomas agreed. “Hopefully within the next few years we’ll be able to go.”
“How many more questions are left?” Alastair asked.
“Just one,” Thomas responded, displaying the screen of the phone to his boyfriend. “Would you like to do the honors?”
Alastair read the question and smiled before saying out loud, “What are you most passionate about?”
The two looked at each other for a long moment before Alastair looked back to the camera and responded.
“Music. I love being able to express myself without needing to search the obscure sides of the dictionary for proper terms.” Alastair said. “You, Thomas?”
“You.” He said softly, looking into Alastair’s brown eyes. “Taking care of you, being the best I can be for me and for you.”
Alastair scoffed, but blushed and looked away from Thomas’s smile and loving gaze. Thomas’s smile turned devious.
“And your ass.”
“Oh my God, Thomas.” 
>cordeliacarstairs: tom, alastair this is adorable
3,321 likes, 102 dislikes
>lucie the reader: can confirm thomas does, in fact, have huge shoulders. 
4,039 likes, 32 dislikes
>lightwoodfanclub replying to @lucie the reader: OMG DYING
>thomastair4eva: this is the cutest thing i’ve ever seen omg
1,387 likes, 14 dislikes
>fangorl117289: let me just *sobs*
1,150 likes, 26 dislikes
>carstairssiblings: they’re so sassy omg “your ass” PF
973 likes, 12 dislikes
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